TV and online · Villains

The Wrath of Negan – No Spoilers Ahead


Yesterday I pleasurably watched the 1st episode of season 7 of The Walking Dead and besides having a heart attack, a rising blood pressure, and a nervous itching all over my body, I was in complete shock!


Negan. By far one of the most atrocious cold-blooded psychopaths ever created.

Played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who took quite the risk of becoming the most hated man on earth after this, Negan is a sick twisted fuck with psychotic tendencies and a very unsettling sense of humor, that rules his subordinates like a fierce king. No worries, no spoilers ahead. With his barbed-wire baseball bat, Lucille (so called after his dead wife), he bashes brains and loves it.

Once a loving family man and a school teacher seeking respect from his students, this relentless butcher is now preaching the ways of the new world to his group and captives while making a disturbing speech & madly swinging Lucille.

Who’s it gonna be?

“Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Catch a tiger by the toe.
If he hollers, let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.”

He’s powerful and loves playing wicked games, like a predator playing with its food, and the more you resist, the more he’ll want to introduce you to his hungry Lucille and you’ll “take it like a champ”.

This episode is a true masterpiece in its most evil sense. It scared me out of my wits!


If you haven’t watched it yet or did and crazy enough to watch it again, here are some helpful do’s and don’ts:

  1. By all means, bite your nails. They’ll grow back.
  2. Do not eat sushi during.
  3. Do not watch while children are sleeping in the next room. You might freak out and wanna express yourself.
  4. Watch it with The Walking Dead fanatics. It adds another layer to the fun.
  5. Talk about it after with them. It’s fun to analyze.

Any other suggestions? Feel free to add some in the comments below.


6 thoughts on “The Wrath of Negan – No Spoilers Ahead

  1. I didn’t watch it but I did have it completely spoiled for me on support group website for my disease where, fair to say, my guard was down and I wasn’t on the lookout for spoilers. Sheesh.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh no! If it makes you feel better, I don’t think you’ll be any less frozen with shock when you watch it, despite the spoiler. Regardless, I hope you’re well 🙂


  2. Jeffrey did a great job in the role and I’m sure he is already getting hate mail because of it. I have watched every season and now I am debating about going forward with it. I honestly think I had a panic attack watching this episode. I was shaking for most of the episode and this from a guy who not only watches horror, but writes it. I just don’t know if I can continue on if this is the path they are taking. Can’t find the entertainment value in episodes like this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the read and comment, Anthony! 🙂 I know what you mean. That was way way too cruel for me as well. I dare say it outdid Game of Thrones’ violent tendencies. I might keep on going just out of curiosity. I just have to know what happens next and how they finally take down this maniac. Damn, he’s evil!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I think they are going to take awhile to take down Negan. He is supposed to be a big part of this world. I too am curious about next week and so beyond that, just not sure I can stomach another cruel episode like that.

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