Film Archive

Film Club: Jackie Brown

What an awesome pick!!! Jackie Brown, Tarantino’s clever and bloodless adaptation of Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch had an interesting blend of opinions, so head over to What About the Twinkie to read them all.

what about the twinkie


This months edition of Film Club features our first Quentin Tarantino film, and was chosen by Hamish of HC Movie Reviews. Below are his reasons for choosing Jackie Brown, followed by each members thoughts on the film.

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14 thoughts on “Film Club: Jackie Brown

  1. The Tragedy Of Jackie Brown: A nostalgic tale of romance, ageing and responsibility, confronted by an audience disappointed by lack of hit men discussing cheeseburgers.

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    1. Well, Jackie Brown has one gunrunner talking about guns… 😊 it’s true that this film is less violent than other Tarantino films, but the mastermind plan of Ms. Jackie is just so damn clever.

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